MecaStack is a 3D stack design software that is used to design steel stacks, steel chimneys, flares, exhaust stacks, etc. of a variety of dimensions and attachments. In addition, the software also performs a bending analysis of the stack to aid with the stack lifting design. MecaStack can be used to analyze self supported stacks (free standing) and guyed stacks (guy wire supported). Similarly, it can be used for design of steel chimneys or stacks that are braced on a building or other structures by lateral bracing. Above all, the software is very easy to use and extremely versatile at handling a wide range of problems and designs.
Some of the components that MecaStack incorporates are:
- Ladders and platforms
- Stiffening rings
- Structural flanges
- Damping devices (software does not design the damper)
- Flare tips
- Insulation/Refractory/Jacket
- Breeches/Nozzles (stack openings)
- Piping
Software Features
- 3D Graphics
- Customizable Load Combinations
- Adjustable Grade Elevation
- P-Delta Analysis
- Lifting Analysis of Stack
- Toggle between Imperial and Metric Units
- Baseplate Design
- Calculate Frequence for Higher Modes
Download Demo (requires registration to activate)

Stack Design Codes
The user has complete control over the design codes that are used for Along Wind, Across Wind, Stress and Fatigue. The load combinations and factors can be customized as needed or auto-populated per the design code selected. There are several comprehensive steel chimney design codes available within MecaStack:
• American Standard: ASME STS-1
• Indian Standard
• British Standard
• Euro Standard
• Canadian Standard
• ISO 13705 (Formerly API-560)

Seismic Design Codes
There are several seismic design codes available:
- Indian (IS1893)
- UBC 97
- Manual Entry
- International Building Code (IBC 2012)
- Response Spectrum Analysis
- National Building Code of Canada (NBCC 2010)
- EuroNorm (EN 1998-6)
Lifting Stack Design Analysis and Extraction
Another critical item with steel stack design, is the lifting analysis portion of the design. It’s great when the stack design comes together and shows it will work when the stack is erected, but if the stack can’t be lifted into position then it is all for not and it could create a dangerous situation for those around. Sometimes to ease the stress the stack incurs when being lifted, it is wise to lift the stack in multiple sections instead of one large section. Although MecaStack provides the user with the ability to analyze the stack lifting design as a whole, it also allows the user to extract certain sections of their stack lifting design to analyze how it will perform during the lifting process.
This only analyzes the stack itself and not the lifting attachments used to lift the stack. If you are interested in also analyzing the lifting lugs, please look into our MecaLug software.
Guy Wire Supported Stacks
Guy wire supported stack design can be extremely complicated. The designer must consider the nonlinearity of the cables as well as all combinations of load direction, corrosion and temperature in order to find the worst case for each element of the design. Most general purpose structural programs (StaadPro, Risa, etc..) simply don't handle guyed stack design adequately, or they make it extremely difficult and time consuming. MecaStack not only makes modeling a guyed stack simple, but it automatically constructs an array of load cases to ensure that the worst case scenarios for each element of the design is captured. It also helps with the selection of the appropriate guy wire hardware. The design of one guyed stack usually saves enough time to recover the cost of the software.
Stack Analysis Output
Outputs are customizable in MecaStack. The user may select which output is displayed before anything is analyzed. Then once the analysis is ran, the user can select from a table of contents which items are going to be presented in the final report. Also, clicking on any of the table of contents will take the user directly to that section. Sections involving Pass or Fail criteria are displayed with the colors green for passing and red for failing. This allows the user to quickly determine if there are any problems.

NOTE: This software is leased on an annual basis. There are two main options available with the software:
License Types
There are two license types and the Single User license is the most popular. If you have more than one engineer that needs to use the software, we have a floating network license. Call for a quote.
Single User - This version is to be installed on a single users computer. It can be activated/deactivated up to six (6) times per year.Float Network License - This can be installed on as many computers as you wish and one user per license can be using the software at a given time. If you are interested in a network license please contact us at (888) 204-7705 for a quotation.
Lease Period = One (1) Year from Date of Purchase